
All shown examples have been assembled according to customer specifications. We carry out all conceivable arrangements that are technically feasible and reasonable.

Installation examples

» WORKBENCH EXTRACTABLE The complete rear area is extractable for 600mm. Additionally, the belt sander is stored on a pull-out, so the sanding dust remains outside; moreover, the sanding belt can be easily changed this way.

Extractable mass plate: For minor welding work the welding machine is installed ready for operation.

Storage space for horseshoes

The rear area is extractable for 600mm

Clean and organized overall impression. Clean workplace = clean work.

Long pull-out – extractable for 1200mm out of the side door

For the rear area: Pull-out for nails and tools

» WORKBENCH FIRMLY MOUNTED The components can be retracted or fold-out individually; the workbench is firmly mounted. The gas forging furnace is already swivelled out.

The anvil is mounted on a heavy-duty pull-out...

...the anvil is quickly ready for use with its strut.

The forging furnace in its folded-in and locked position.

The electronic devices are clearly arranged.

The horseshoes are stored in a large drawer on the vehicle side.

Everything clearly stored...

Walk-in complete development for the farrier: Extractable sanding machine and anvil on the left; above the workbench with drilling machine. Storage shelf for horseshoes in the front and the fold-out forging furnace on the right. Above the fold-up weather protection.